After a well-deserved it’s time to get back to the routine. Although the Christmas vacations are much shorter than the summer period, family gatherings, dinners such as Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve that end later than usual, gifts, carols and games, make the return to school a very difficult time. a little more complicated for some kids. So here are some tips to get them back to school habits as easily as possible.
At home you can:
- Remember that they will see their friends in class in class and that they will be able to talk to them about the vacations and tell them what they have done and the gifts they have received.
- During the holidays, it is normal to stay up more late nights than usual. For this reason, it is advisable that, for a few days before going back to school, we get the youngest members of the household used to going to bed at an earlier time. To make homework more fun for them we can read them a bedtime story. At Smile and Learn we have a wide variety of stories and adapted classics that you can read as a family.
- The same applies to food as in the previous case. At Christmas time it is normal for meals to be more abundant and copiousIt is therefore advisable to return to the usual menus and schedules more similar to those they have at school a couple of days before the return to school.
- Review homework. Most likely, the teachers have sent some of their students to the exercises to perform during these days of rest. The ideal is not to leave everything to the end and take advantage of the last few days to do a simple review. In this way, the children will remember what they have worked on during the last trimester and will be more prepared to start classes.
- Lead by example. The return to routine is difficult for everyone, including adults. Therefore, if the little ones see that you are cheerful and motivated samples they will end up absorbing that energy. Children learn by imitation and it is important that they do not associate the end of the vacations as something negative.
In the classroom:
- As a teacher, a good way to get them used to the lessons again is to dedicate a few minutes before the beginning of the lesson to to dedicate a few minutes before the start of the lesson to conversation.. You can let the children tell how it went, what they did and explain what they will learn in the coming months.
- Involve students. Taking advantage of this last point, you can ask the students what they would most like to learn and, based on that, draw a learning path that is somewhat adapted to those topics that most interest them. You can take advantage of Christmas gifts for it. If a child has been brought a book about dinosaurs, you can offer to bring it to class to show it to the other children so that they can learn from it as well.
The most important thing to keep in mind is patience. If during these first days of school the children are more irritable than usual, if we see that it is more difficult for them to do their homework, that they are more distracted in class or are more restless and talkative, we should avoid reprimanding them too harshly.
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