Summer activities

Que no pare la diversión este verano con Smile and Learn

¡Sigue aprendiendo en verano con Smile and Learn!

As the school year comes to an end and the summer break commences, it’s time for exciting adventures and new discoveries. While the summer break offers an opportunity for relaxation and fun, it’s important to keep our children’s minds active through engaging educational activities. We’re here to highlight the importance of summer learning and provide you with a range of exciting resources we offer to make this season a time of growth and exploration.

Relax and reconnect

Take it down a notch and relax! Learn about the body through mindfulness and meditation. These activities are great to calm and encourage mental development in your child. 

Additionally, take part in learning how to draw mandalas as well! 


Refréscate con recetas divertidas

Aprende vocabulario sobre alimentos y bebidas y luego utiliza esos conocimientos siguiendo nuestras recetas sobre helados y batidos. 

¡Una buena forma de refrescarse!

Travel the world

Travel the world from the comfort of your own home! 

Explore virtual tours of beautiful and iconic cities with wonderful historical sites. Visit amazing locations such as Mexico, Brazil, and many others!

Divertidos juegos de verano

¡Prepárate para el verano con divertidos juegos veraniegos! Juega al ajedrez, conecta cuatro y perfecciona tu capacidad de concentración con nuestro juego de atención.

Try our demo

Remember, learning can happen anywhere and at any time. Embrace the spirit of summer by infusing educational activities into your daily routines through our summer activities on Smile and Learn.  Try our demo for free today!